Monday, May 8, 2017

question and answer in CNS

what is responsible of thought formation?
wernicke's area

parieto-occipitotemporal areal (POT) is?
sensory association area

lateral hypothalamic area is responsible of:
hunger and thirst

the stimulant neurotansmitter found in the reticular activating system?

man is awake and relaxed, his is EEG wave is?

C fiber is:
unmyelinated and small

diverging means:
one input existing multiple neurons

in the muscle spindle what kind of fibers do we have?
alpha and gamma

what is the medial tracts found in the reticular formation:
vestibulospinal and reticulospinal tracts

what dosen't pass through the thalamus?

primary auditory area is found in?
temporal bone

the lateral sulcus speartes between
parietal and temporal lobes

deep fissure found in the cerebellum separates between
anterior and posterior lobes

reticular formation is found in:

what connects the two hemisphres in the brain?
corpus collusum

penial gland is related to ?

hand skill is found in?
premotor area

what is mostly forms the CSF?
choroids plexus

is not used in pre-anesthetic procedure?

what is enzyme is used to diagnose a bacterial infection in the CSF?

what is not used for chemoprophylaxis?
penicillin G

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